
Giving Birth to New Life to the Game Industry

Tablet PC's rise to a large extent of this problem can be resolved. Because Apple, Andrews and other systems on a small number of tablet PCs and smart mobile phones users gathered most of the high-quality resources. Whether the trend of spending power or influence, game makers are the most urgent consumer object, and because the number of terminals due to platform for highly intensive relationship, but also the difficulty of the game, R & D relative decrease. For example, the players who buy tera gold are decreasing. As a result, game makers have a game for the mobile Internet, the collective attack.
Diversity makes games full of new life. Not long ago, a well-known investment bank released a report entitled "2011 Investment Report, global video game," predicted that as social networking and the popularity of mobile gaming platform, and development of China's share in the global gaming industry will also benefit from 12% up to 25%. The U.S. dropped from 26% to 22%. By then, China will surpass the U.S. as the world's biggest "game kingdom."
In fact, the data from the other hand, predicts the development trend of China's online game industry - social networking and mobile technology. Just this year, well-known game makers are beginning to make a difference in these two aspects of the layout, looking for a wide range of development, with a view to the new industrial wave arrives to seize the opportunity. For instance, the game TERA is in a hot development, and the players who play the game with cheap tera gold are increasing, so company should seize the opportunity to develop it well.
Among them, he moved to the transfer of web games to become profitable online businesses the pressure of choice. This year, a monthly game Tencent launched a web speed of the game, showing their intention to accelerate expansion in this area. Giant network is set up a new network called the Ho-based subsidiary of the main web game market. The company is also funding the Shanghai Media Group, the first for the domestic market of casual sports pages Q-pet game "domesticated hen war" has entered the depth of research and development stage, which is ready to market in the near future.
Open Platform is a new online business try. Tencent Q + platform is one of the most beautiful one. Closed beta systems have been stationed in more than 10 games, many of whom are the products of other game companies. In the sharing of resources, Tencent also received a lot of profit gains. The grand game, through the giant network already had "18 plans", "win at the Giants" and other small game makers to support a platform to share their natural resources, which has also been a lot of gains. The game TERA has gained a lot from tera gold. In addition, the overseas market also made new progress. Shanda overseas revenue in the first quarter reached 10.2 million, up 35 percent over the previous quarter, and up 46 percent over last year.
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