
The Careful Considerations of EVE Exhibition Part to Visitors

Taking into account the weather factor, the necessary measures still need to prepare for summer cooling. A towel, a small hand-held fan is a very good choice. In "EVE" pavilion there will be air conditioning for cooling, but in the crowded scene in the show hoping to get cool by yourself, then you have to rely on artificial wind. On the point of diet, the Pavilion will arrange some supermarkets to provide food. However, it has a limited number, often in the time before lunch was sold out. Therefore, we suggest that the audience did not bring their own dry food buy as soon as possible, avoiding being hungry for the afternoon visiting.
Fleeting week of waiting, the game industry, the festival is stepping forward. Favorite things to everyone, the moment you are looking forward to "dog day meet" to come. You do not have to worry about the EVE ISK and Tera gold for the game, and you just play the game as you like. In the hot season, let us use a gorgeous visual feast to cast a cold world of game.
"EVE EVE online", referred to as the "EVE". It is the world's most popular space sci-fi online game. It dominates the top three European online games list for several years. It supports hundreds of thousands players with the service, Telecom and China Netcom two-lane Internet!
Unique skill system can make you off-line easily upgrade. Ambitious economic system takes you through the universe on Wall Street. From blueprints to the ship, the players involved throughout the interaction after you buy ISK eve to play the game.
Completely free role-playing, you choose any of the military pirate. More games are played as you like. Weave separatist alliance, the universe infinite is just a wonderful stage.
The CDC Games Group exhibition at W3-15, "EVE" large posters are prominently located in the exhibition, always reminding the player about to enter a mysterious cosmic exploration. In the "EVE" booth, a total of eight high-end configuration of the computer experience for the players to demo, demo version is currently running the service without even cheap eve isk in the country's "EVE: hegemony" version. Players will log on to our test server. Each computer has a 500 million under the special account of the full skills of the role of skill points, finished with a variety of ships and a lot of ISK for the purchase of various items. This top with the game is very difficult to achieve. Experience in our demo, players can easily feel the thrill of this unprecedented planetary exploration.
Players can board the ship to experience the feeling of space travel. In addition to stunning visual impact, there should be more exciting experience. "EVE: hegemony" version introduced a planetary development, the new sovereign system, the new built-in browser, and many other fresh content. Novice players or those not familiar with the old players can come to our booth to try. "EVE" staff will be at the show site providing guidance to the players, welcome to join our ranks.

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