
Giving Birth to New Life to the Game Industry

Tablet PC's rise to a large extent of this problem can be resolved. Because Apple, Andrews and other systems on a small number of tablet PCs and smart mobile phones users gathered most of the high-quality resources. Whether the trend of spending power or influence, game makers are the most urgent consumer object, and because the number of terminals due to platform for highly intensive relationship, but also the difficulty of the game, R & D relative decrease. For example, the players who buy tera gold are decreasing. As a result, game makers have a game for the mobile Internet, the collective attack.
Diversity makes games full of new life. Not long ago, a well-known investment bank released a report entitled "2011 Investment Report, global video game," predicted that as social networking and the popularity of mobile gaming platform, and development of China's share in the global gaming industry will also benefit from 12% up to 25%. The U.S. dropped from 26% to 22%. By then, China will surpass the U.S. as the world's biggest "game kingdom."
In fact, the data from the other hand, predicts the development trend of China's online game industry - social networking and mobile technology. Just this year, well-known game makers are beginning to make a difference in these two aspects of the layout, looking for a wide range of development, with a view to the new industrial wave arrives to seize the opportunity. For instance, the game TERA is in a hot development, and the players who play the game with cheap tera gold are increasing, so company should seize the opportunity to develop it well.
Among them, he moved to the transfer of web games to become profitable online businesses the pressure of choice. This year, a monthly game Tencent launched a web speed of the game, showing their intention to accelerate expansion in this area. Giant network is set up a new network called the Ho-based subsidiary of the main web game market. The company is also funding the Shanghai Media Group, the first for the domestic market of casual sports pages Q-pet game "domesticated hen war" has entered the depth of research and development stage, which is ready to market in the near future.
Open Platform is a new online business try. Tencent Q + platform is one of the most beautiful one. Closed beta systems have been stationed in more than 10 games, many of whom are the products of other game companies. In the sharing of resources, Tencent also received a lot of profit gains. The grand game, through the giant network already had "18 plans", "win at the Giants" and other small game makers to support a platform to share their natural resources, which has also been a lot of gains. The game TERA has gained a lot from tera gold. In addition, the overseas market also made new progress. Shanda overseas revenue in the first quarter reached 10.2 million, up 35 percent over the previous quarter, and up 46 percent over last year.
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Unique design and unique creativity combined to form true battle feeling

Narrative - and by providing meaningful interaction between the NPC and players in the game world, Bioware hopes to create a way for players to immerse themselves in the game world into the scene with SWTOR Credits. Although this seems like Bioware's previous work is almost the same design ideas such as Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins and so on, this time they want doing more colorful things, which is the idea that the other role-playing online games over the same period had not thought of.
Professional story and full voice will result in different branches of the results of the dialogue system. Each is as an important part of the game experience. Other online games there, given the background story is the reason a player Causing loss of lives, rather than the real from the spirit. They want to inspire the players to go forwards in order to achieve certain goals and work hard, but Star Wars: The Old Republic wants to change this condition.
Combat - this is directly related to the player's gaming experience. Developers committed to Star Wars: The Old Republic will take this to be designed in the epic battle, and allow players to experience the most popular online games in the fighting elements. Some would say the battle system here with the mainstream design industry and there is not much difference, but you can use different forms of creativity to show. When you have plaed this game after buy swtor credits, you will have a better and personal experience.
Recent there is the exposure of some of the game information, such as life skills, explore, and some elements of PVP. All these make fans excited. Controversy has been associated with the game. In the end will Star Wars: The Old Republic is another World of Warcraft online game or just a flat pass expensive stuff? 
Even so, the actual process of fighting the game is very much like other games, but combat experience, background and potential of the players are not like. The purpose of the fighting here is to allow players to truly feel that he is a Jedi Knight and is using the evil Sith warrior in the battle, or let the player feel he is a cunning smuggler interests above everything else.
The second innovation depending on Star Wars: The Old Republic is being made in other elements. We mentioned earlier the game will be the introduction of life skills and team content. And these two points with today's other game are not much different. But when the team turned to hope the miraculous, so that the same elements with Star Wars: The Old Republic's unique design is combined to form a unique creativity.
This smaller creative team comes from the existing capacities and wisdom, as well as risks and gains trade-off. Thus, while the part of developers to design lower priority on the form, but they will still be a unique existence, but innovation is lower to some degree.

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Playing Game Have Damage to Brain

As the vast developing of games, it is popular among the public. And the plot in the game also gets much attention from the public. It is very serious that there is the matter of damage of playing games. What is the cause and motivation about this phenomenon? The following reasons are my own opinions.
The online games will cause some problems to the society. For example, youth will be affected by the plot in RuneScape. In the game, they can control their characters to do this and that as long as they have enough RS gold, and sometimes, they buy rs gold on some website to do this such as MMOXE.COM. But in the real world, they also want to control persons around them, which will change the good thing into violence in the real world.
China has the number of people more than any other country on the Internet, and there will have more guys playing the game to addiction. One study showed that too many games can permanently alter brain function. This problem is so terrible.
The study was originally published in the public's library science, which uses two sets of young people for college students as test subjects: 18 Internet addiction, and 18 "healthy" when the control group. Everyone in the study connected to the MRI scanner to scan the two parts of their brains. What is the result? Here is the Scientific American magazine:
"The researchers found that Internet addicts in a few small areas have brain shrinkage in some test objects up to 10% to 20% of the affected areas, including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, rostral cingulate before, supplementary motor area and cerebellum area. Not only that, the longer the duration of addiction, organizations reduce the more obvious the researchers believe that this contraction may lead to negative effects, such as can not control the inappropriate behavior and reduce the target orientation." For example, players of the game RuneScape will always keep the RS items in their mind, which will block their thinking about other regular things.
While some researchers believe that this is just a natural reaction of brain networks, the purpose is to make the most of the region by stimulating more effective manner. However, other scientists believe the shrinkage of the brain that may affect the ability to make decisions on the matter.
Basically, the game will not destroy your ability to think. But, you know, do not always be online, multi-faceted development of what your interest is still very good. And the RS gold is not your only interest in the life.
Some critics say: Sorry, I used to be able to intelligently respond to this problem. But after I played it a bunch of "StarCraft 2", "World of Warcraft" after the game, I can not let my mind be wise to respond. I have no sense of community, because I is taking place "beyond the control of inappropriate behavior and reduce the target orientation," the situation.
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"Star Wars OL" announced the latest release of special update

Cartoon version of Star Wars games pet OL has issued the latest video introduction. Although the main audience groups of children play on Cartoon Network, "Clone Wars" series or to obtain a very wide range of audiences. This is Cartoon Network's highest ratings ever original animated series. And so far there is no indication that the degree of weakening popular trend. LucasArts mining company is always keen on music so popular material. The results of its re-creation are the "Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures." Those are produced by Sony for this masterpiece of free online games the players have high hopes, certainly looking forward to the game video.
This video is the most important element of the concept of pets, housing and clothing. Pets are a variety of robot models. The players can add them through a variety of modifications. For example, you can assemble a jet engine components R2-D2 or C3PO missile launchers. Open house for all players, but free housing compared to housing by paying players more limited. Finally, there are hundreds of costumes available for players to choose. These costumes are from the cartoon in the prototype.
Star Wars OL players can have their own starship. "Star Wars: The Old Republic 'official website said the players will be able to have their own starship. One is a Jedi Guardian number, while the other one is Francis's anger.
The "Star Wars: The Old Republic" fans are blessed in this upcoming online game on the line. The players will be able to have their own starship with SWTOR Credits. Produced by BioWare in this game, despite rumors that war in space can only be carried out in the tunnel, players are free to manipulate their Hansuo Luo. The place is enough interesting. Last weekend, the game's official website revealed that the game will have two players open to interplanetary spacecraft.
Jedi Guardian is a number, spacecraft and Star Wars Rebel blockade through the fourth set looks similar to those frigates. The other one is Francis's anger, the spacecraft and Empire in the three "Star" films in driving the TIE Interceptor spacecraft similar. It is reported that at least four spacecraft will be forthcoming.
OL Star Wars game developers recently announced the latest update, and released a video on the planet Nar Shaddaa and pictures.
Tencent Game News August 2 news recently, Bioware Games team launched the "Star Wars: The Old Republic" game updates. Bioware has released a planet Nar Shaddaa latest series of video clips and other shots. This week, sinking planet rotating around the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa's will be the focus.
Bioware also announced the "Empire of Blood" comic series. the eighth book has been released. Game "Star Wars: The Old Republic" has made title update of the role. "Star Wars" series as one of the world-renowned film is followed by adaptation into the game. The players can get warm love in the game after they buy swtor credits to start the game. .

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Much Fresher Characters and Planets reveal the mask in SWTOR

Recently, game developers BioWare and LucasArts have updated their official website. Scheduled in 2010 to test 3D MMORPG "Star Wars Old Republic" was renamed the title role of information. "Star Wars Old Republic," the development team updated 2 pieces of information. It is to develop a process to create flesh predators.
According to the design of the game of Patrick, Matt said that the update is designed to allow players to know in the game that Jedi will no longer be a simple stand-alone title. They will have a new title for them.
"A few weeks ago, we had a vote in the official name change on the Jedi. By the vote of the situation, Jedi in the game through continuous growth, gradually become Jedi sage and higher the title,” Matt Patrick said. 
"Star Wars Old Republic" game is set in the Vader. In the game players can choose to become a Jedi, Sith Warrior, or other classic Star Wars roles for the game.
Star Wars: The Old Republic "to allow the appointment of the crew
The Old Republic Star Wars system designer said recently in an interview, the players in the game are able to delegate tasks to the other same crew members on the ship. The system also allows up to five crew members with the build.
Some more suitable for certain tasks companion, so players need to maintain their friendly relations in order to save time for themselves. It still allows the players to take the crew to complete or do the job for them with SWTOR Credits. But to arouse the enthusiasm of the largest investment, special equipment such as a lightsaber and the other similar weapons are needed.
Star Wars: The Old Republic" made the announcement of the new planets. "Star Wars: The Old Republic", the story is set in the Star Wars movies before the age thousands of years, which apparently not yet reached the technical level. This sounds strange. Developer BioWare and publisher LucasArts is slowly lifted the veil of this online game.
Official website of the game this week released a new planet in a detailed message. Its name is called Ilum, which looks like the Arctic world, and a bit like the planet Hoth. You can buy swtor credits to venture out in that planet, so interesting. Ilum's primary role is to help the Jedi lightsaber to gather sufficient energy. But Francis is not only in the game who wants to invade and occupy the planet. Obviously he can get from Ilum in not only a bunch of crystal. There are other more important things. Official Site is not intended to explain in detail what it is even more important. It is only after the release of games such as real market players to know

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The total level, Task and Achievement Diary

A trust is to reduce the fraudulent use of technology items that cheater, because the raw materials do not need to give people with high level. There are not liar return items. Two is to reduce the co-operation more difficult.
Experience: Basically, every player on the implementation of the behavior and skills, the experience will enhance the skills as well as the experience. The skills and values as well as the RS Items can affect the level of the series and the player’s permission. The minimum experience in each skill is 0, while the maximum is 200. 24 skills are in total, after all excel experience 4,800,000,000.
The total level
The total level is also known as Skill Total, called Tot Lvl. As the name suggests, the total level is the sum of players of all skill levels. If only the combat skills training described earlier, not the total rating to high, and life skills need more practice before they can raise the total level to a certain height. Arrive at the total level of 1000, you can enter specific server specify Skill Total 1000 server. These servers are generally with the people who live in relatively high skills and have a lot of RS Gold. Raise the total of any skill level can improve. Players can see where their skills level to see the Total Level.
The task of this game is not the same task in the domestic online game. It is not to "kill enemies". Even a task, a task the less have 20 minutes, and each task has a plot. Small number of common tasks players, a lot of members. All the tasks are very interesting. There are some tasks to complete interesting puzzles, such as Swept away entirely composed by the three puzzles. Ernest the Chicken in the oil can take part. Some tasks require clever conversation technology. Some tasks require a lot of errands and cheap rs gold to kill a target. Lower right photo shows one of the classic tasks, "Dragon Slayer", which is a part of the final task to kill the dragon. When the task is completed, you can get the task points, increasing the number of points to complete the task. The more difficult task is the Dragon Slayer.
Achievement Diary
Achievement diary is updated to Tasks System, which refers to the designated place where the task of understanding. But there are lives skills level requirements, so more cases than do the leveling of the time diary of the time. Achievement diary to complete the task will not get points. But it will get some other reward. Non-members only Lumbridge achievement diary, and there are more members. Awards, Lumbering, Explorer’s ring, from novice to difficult levels of reward 1-4 rings. Varrock: Varrock Amour, 1-4 from the simple to the elite level of armor rewards. Ardongne: cloak, from the simple to the elite level of reward 1-4 cloak. Falador: Shield, from the simple to the elite level 1-4 awards shield.

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I love the Short Story in the World of Warcraft

My character in wow is a Blood Elf. I choose Paladin. Blood Elves, one race in World of Warcraft. Blood Elf addicted to the practice of taking evil forces of their allies to the previous Union shunned. Those Blood Elves who remain in the world of Azeroth turn to the Horde with desperation, seeking to help them to go outside the tribal domain. Kael't had promised to achieve a better future. I level my character fast because I love my role in the game. I earn wow gold to buy weapons and armors. When I have less time playing mage I buy wow gold to enhance my equipment. Now I share something about Blood Elves and their Tribal with you.
While it may just be easier to discuss about a particular fan fiction or short story in its own thread, sometimes it’s hard to discuss about all of them collectively, or find somewhere proper to inform people you're updating your own or planning on releasing a new part. Maybe you even want somewhere to put a quick teaser for a new chapter. This thread is supposed to accomplish that. So if you want a broad discussion about certain fan-fictions, or if you want to ask an author a question on a story that you don't wish to necro
Yes, the Paradox series will involve time travel, specifically to some of my favorite moments of Warcraft History.
Maybe different installments will, the first one is going to test out if I can handle writing this type of story, so I'm using my own cast. I completely forgot about Eternal Conflict until the other day, when I was lying in bed drinking vile medicine with a hot water bottle resting on me. An installment should be out soonish.
I guess what I need right now is a compilation of Dag'rema and the rest of the Shatterspear party-related posts. On the upside, I can rp Ga'Crane with a lot more plausibility - I don't have to imitate his complete lack of knowledge of what the hell has happened.
I'm working on a long dreary and depressing one-shot (halfway through before school got in the way), and have a small idea for a series. But I'd need characters (and the permission to use some I kind of wanting).
We'll see, but like I said, avoiding outside references besides my own characters for The Lure of Eternity. So that nobody facepalms when I majorly screw this up.
I don't think that anyone is to worry, time-traveling and screwing things up goes hand-in-hand. Oh, and I'm planning to release the third installation of the Bleeding Tales (the stories of Mordanna, if you haven't guessed) on Monday or Tuesday, so I'm launching a reader's choice vote! Like, what major conflict between the (and including) Battle of Light's Hope and The Fall of The Lich King would you like to read about next.
In fact, there are more fun and exciting things. You just enjoy then fun. If you have less time leveling your character, you can buy cheap wow gold online. But do remember to choose a reliable website. MMOXE is a good choice. My cousin recommended it to me. You can have a try.

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The Careful Considerations of EVE Exhibition Part to Visitors

Taking into account the weather factor, the necessary measures still need to prepare for summer cooling. A towel, a small hand-held fan is a very good choice. In "EVE" pavilion there will be air conditioning for cooling, but in the crowded scene in the show hoping to get cool by yourself, then you have to rely on artificial wind. On the point of diet, the Pavilion will arrange some supermarkets to provide food. However, it has a limited number, often in the time before lunch was sold out. Therefore, we suggest that the audience did not bring their own dry food buy as soon as possible, avoiding being hungry for the afternoon visiting.
Fleeting week of waiting, the game industry, the festival is stepping forward. Favorite things to everyone, the moment you are looking forward to "dog day meet" to come. You do not have to worry about the EVE ISK and Tera gold for the game, and you just play the game as you like. In the hot season, let us use a gorgeous visual feast to cast a cold world of game.
"EVE EVE online", referred to as the "EVE". It is the world's most popular space sci-fi online game. It dominates the top three European online games list for several years. It supports hundreds of thousands players with the service, Telecom and China Netcom two-lane Internet!
Unique skill system can make you off-line easily upgrade. Ambitious economic system takes you through the universe on Wall Street. From blueprints to the ship, the players involved throughout the interaction after you buy ISK eve to play the game.
Completely free role-playing, you choose any of the military pirate. More games are played as you like. Weave separatist alliance, the universe infinite is just a wonderful stage.
The CDC Games Group exhibition at W3-15, "EVE" large posters are prominently located in the exhibition, always reminding the player about to enter a mysterious cosmic exploration. In the "EVE" booth, a total of eight high-end configuration of the computer experience for the players to demo, demo version is currently running the service without even cheap eve isk in the country's "EVE: hegemony" version. Players will log on to our test server. Each computer has a 500 million under the special account of the full skills of the role of skill points, finished with a variety of ships and a lot of ISK for the purchase of various items. This top with the game is very difficult to achieve. Experience in our demo, players can easily feel the thrill of this unprecedented planetary exploration.
Players can board the ship to experience the feeling of space travel. In addition to stunning visual impact, there should be more exciting experience. "EVE: hegemony" version introduced a planetary development, the new sovereign system, the new built-in browser, and many other fresh content. Novice players or those not familiar with the old players can come to our booth to try. "EVE" staff will be at the show site providing guidance to the players, welcome to join our ranks.

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Displaying Point of W3---15 You can Experience Excitement of EVE

The world's largest online game Star Wars "EVE" is a 3D sci-fi online game product of CDC Games (CDC Games). The Group will be accompanied with the appearance of other products CJ-site. Our exhibition booth in Hall 3 15 (abbreviated: W3-15), fans are welcomed to visit our technology, "capsule", together with our ships travel at this piece of the vast under the stars. Our staff will be happy to serve you on your face in the game to answer any questions and confusion. In the "EVE" test server. There are all skills of the role waiting for you to experience, and there is a lot of EVE ISK and RS Gold available to you squandered. We look forward to you joining. The universe is wonderful for you.
To make the comfortable experience for the visiting players for the exhibition of "EVE", we combine the previous exhibition experience to players to provide the necessary concept development tips to help you organize the show threw himself immersed during the event created by the hot atmosphere.
Route: The show's host place is the same with the previous. I believe that over the years over the concept of development, "EVE" players are naturally well placed to exploit. For the first time to visit "EVE" booth players, rail travel is undoubtedly the most convenient tool. Currently, there are rail Line 2 Long Yang Road station, in which players can stop and walk about half an hour to reach the destination. The rail 7 (microblogging) line set up flowers and trees Road Station. The player can choose where to get off, walk about fifteen minutes’ time to reach the exhibition hall. In addition, car travel "EVE" players need to make arrangements for the line, and the Pavilion has free parking spaces for you to use.
Then I will introduce you the concept development strategy. Here, you have no need to buy ISK eve to play the game and it is free for you. The exhibition will last for four days. Players can purchase tickets to enter the exhibition site to visit. The morning of July 28, the exhibition will be held for the professional field, and the player can not enter. July 31 afternoon, the vendors usually after half past two in succession in the dismantling, the content will also be able to visit.
Therefore, in line with the principle of the value of the fare, we recommend that you choose July 29th or the 30th to visit the exhibition hall, because it must be active up to these two days, the most abundant, and the scene of the most popular. You will have enough time to linger in it. For office workers, the time is undoubtedly the best view in the exhibition on July 30 the same day. This is like the spectacle of "EVE" gamers not to be missed. So save your cheap eve isk to another use, and you come to have a wonderful experience in the exhibition.

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