
The Rate between the Wormhole and Speed of Missile

He also needs to consider this issue (a micro-drive overloaded WY, even by a network subnet to live, or to speed to the 500M / S, recoil Star Gate only takes 40 seconds) and if someone has comparative universal solution, please back thread and I will explain it for you. And the post is useful to your playing the game well and you can spend your EVE ISK to get fun from the game.
The street will be completely no longer afraid WY, even if the fader is not open network it can have 300 + M / S speed as the speed of heavy conflict in the ace. As long as the maximum speed out, he was about the only modern torpedo damage version of the 1 / 3 more. WY attack a single network is not open fire and the fader has at least two minutes of wandering around the station Star front door of engagement or engagement then wandering can get married or stop the cease-fire. If installed in a small star with meat caught wandering, micro-operation is necessary to use up most of the push to catch stray capacitance, stray not low DPS with 5 light drones, If WY is not for the configured to deal with high-speed vessels, it will become very difficult. And the cheap eve isk you bought from the website of MMOXE is not enough.
Finally, there is a small sum. Indeed, the missiles and WY weakened version of the wormhole, but they are not badly of being undermined. WY HSC will become a nightmare, and talk to comfort the little boat can be equipped with wormhole reached a high speed.
The constant counts well and just reduce the eft harm to log/5.5log. Signal of 4 times the speed of the torpedo is the maximum speed regardless of how much damage. If you have the ability to stray signal amplification to 12,000 you can stray to the 3000 hit full speed damage. The other way is to stray down to the speed of the signal 1 / 4 but these are difficult.
Therefore, the signal strengths without afterburner greatly play. The redirection target signal is just a different speed which can be close to 50% of all injuries. Even if this speed is 3000 as long as the stray signal can be amplified to 1500. The injuries are usually able to play half. When the missile is in the corresponding level, the power will not be reduced with much more difficult when the corresponding low-level. This drf of ordinary torpedo is equal to the ordinary application of the value what has been lost. So you need to buy ISK eve again to continue the game.
But cruising is not such a useful goddess. Do not get involved as long as you see the harm. The blast radius and speed only have battle re-listed range of advantages. The power is not as sudden torpedo.
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