
My opinion of how to deal with your new classes

I had made a Shaman Tank thread not long ago for fun and I think it would work pretty well with the mechanics I designed. It didn't go well with my fellow shaman, but then again, most didn't even read it. They read a paragraph and left. It makes enough wow gold for me.
I do think that if we had a new class it would have to be unique and I like messing around with trying to make a new caster work since the last one was melee. The caster would be fun to make as a healer AND tank in cloth. It would kind of cool to have it use all the spell schools, but 2 prominent for each spec.
My thoughts on specs for it: Telekinetic (tank) - Uses arcane and nature to move the ground in order to shield himself from incoming damage. You provide a barrier when casting to reduce damage and also reduce cast time lost by 100% when getting hit. I think this would make up for the lack of a shield or armor. Or some cheap wow gold can help you well.
Volcanic (caster dps) - Uses fire and shadow spells to debuff a target that benefits party or raid members. (We have a shaman that provides tons of buffs but not a class that provides a lot of debuffs) It has a single DoT that does shadowfire damage and the rest of its damage is direct. Kind of a mix between fire mage and shadow priest, but deals more with debuffing and gaining added benefit from the debuffs.
Serenity (healer) - Uses holy and frost spells to do a combination of mitigation, HoTs, and direct healing. Frost provides shards of ice that is used to mitigate damage until broken broken (not completely absorbs it but similar to bone shield). Holy will do a lot of the actual healing with exception to a hypothermia type of spell that mimics cold to have the target increase blood production and heal wounds with a quick HoT. We need more of those kinds of spells that make you think, "Huh, that's interesting."
I have no idea what this class would be called. Sorcerer comes to mind, but that makes it sound too much like a mage and I don't like that. A sear doesn't sound like it could handle shadow or fire and sounds like a priest.
The DK hero class, how many saw that coming. Another hero class would be equally difficult /impossible to guess. We could speculate all day on possibilities and perhaps come close to Blizzies mind set. Don’t just buy wow gold to solve problem. It’s terrible. 
But I suppose taking a look at the current situation Wow needs more tanks/healers. We wait in cue for tanks most often so it seems to me this would be the most logical area to work on for Blizzie. A new race with no other roll than tanking could maybe, just maybe, help.
On the flip side I would say we don't have enough tanks simply because tanking is not one of the easiest things to do. I'd go a step further and say it is the hardest roll to play.
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