
Metro Last Light of the three new sexy fitted prostitutes gathered

4A Games announced in its official facebook page that Nvidia station platform at CES (International Consumer Electronics Show in the United States, 1.8-1.11) FPS masterpiece "Metro: Last Shuguang (Metro: Last Light) Demo demodemo of January 8 to January 10. After the end of the CES, the official also might be produced in the show demo clips into a video released to the web, while waiting for its new video, we take a look at today's official three games bring us new plan .
Metro Last Light tells the story of a competition for enough to destroy the civil war in human doomsday device. The human remains alleys in the underground and other dead. The war between the different factions continues, still have a variety of biological variation lurking in the shadows in the night. The ground is still a variety of gas, but there are rumors that the ice begins to melt, the sun began to penetrate clouds.


