
PS4 version of "Assassin's Creed 4" video first exposure quality is to force

Officially released in early March this year, Ubisoft's action game giant system "Assassin's Creed: black flag, and confirmed that the game will be landing in the next PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4 platform.

Today, the creative director of "Assassin's Creed" Jean Guesdon and core producer Sylvian Trottier in a video interview for the first time details of the PS4 version of the game features.

The the two Ubisoft staff mentioned Baisuo Ni PS4 equipped with high-performance processor, graphics core and large memory capacity, thanks to developers to enjoy the play to their creativity on this new platform.

PS4 version of "Assassin's Creed" the latest game engine technology, has a very good performance in the action figures, apparel flowing game of light and shadow.

In the same time, a new generation of game also has a more open game world, some tasks require players to switch back and forth between the land and the ship, while fierce the sea artillery and close boarding operations will provide extremely exciting gaming experience for the players .

In addition, the new submarine scenes players will provide new means to complete the task, players can sneak into the sea from the bottom of the ship to take action.

Functions of the game, although the single-player game very fascinating, but the PS4 version of "Assassin's Creed" is also closely linked to the characteristics of the new host, design innovative multiplayer mode, players can keep and friends together to experience or share the joy of the game .

According to the plan, "Assassin's Creed" in the October 29 and November 1 of this year has sold in the United States and the United Kingdom market, but the specific time of the PS4 version of the game has not yet been recognized.

"Assassin's Creed 4" exposure PS4 version of the game screen quality is abnormal gorgeous!

To step up publicity efforts, Ubisoft has just released "Assassin's Creed: black flag" period of development log video creative director Jean Guesdon and associate producer Sylvain Trottier for you on "Assassin's Creed" PS4 version of the production experience . Video game screen is run in the second era of the host hardware interception of the screen.

We learned from the video "Assassin's Creed 4 version greatest improvement is that the effect of the screen, with the PS4 better CPU, GPU, more memory, developers are able to add more paintings PS4 version of the game Transfer Technology. Many of the details can not be used in the active host, because they now have used 100% of the performance of the active host. Game PS4 version of the overall game experience will be greatly improved.

In addition, the PS4 "Share" button on the PS4 version of the game also becomes very interesting, players can play the single player mode, while also with their friends contact each other. Some players just want to play alone game, do not want to play against other people, players tend to miss a lot of opportunity to make friends in the game, "Assassin's Creed" PS4 version Share Button "let your communication experience becomes differ materially.

Finally, the log interspersed with some of the game screen, we really can experience the game PS4 version of the gorgeous screen. For PC will be landing on October 29 and serving host platform, times times versions Offering Date temporarily unknown.


Metro Last Light of the three new sexy fitted prostitutes gathered

4A Games announced in its official facebook page that Nvidia station platform at CES (International Consumer Electronics Show in the United States, 1.8-1.11) FPS masterpiece "Metro: Last Shuguang (Metro: Last Light) Demo demodemo of January 8 to January 10. After the end of the CES, the official also might be produced in the show demo clips into a video released to the web, while waiting for its new video, we take a look at today's official three games bring us new plan .
Metro Last Light tells the story of a competition for enough to destroy the civil war in human doomsday device. The human remains alleys in the underground and other dead. The war between the different factions continues, still have a variety of biological variation lurking in the shadows in the night. The ground is still a variety of gas, but there are rumors that the ice begins to melt, the sun began to penetrate clouds.

Company B has big moves Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls 6 swords together

With the announcement of the Xbox 720 and PS 4, the next-generation console games has become a many game makers battleground. It is reported that in "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Tucao was a lot of players in a variety of BUG, B community has begun to quiet the sound produced two next-generation console games of" radiation "and" The Elder Scrolls 6. "

The Elder Scrolls 6
Many of our readers are very familiar with the game developers and publishers, but we have many people do not know the difference between Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks. In short, the latter issue of the former production out of the game.

"Radiation" vs "The Elder Scrolls 6" and the second era of preference - "demonic possession" will be issued by Bethesda Softworks, so this allows Game Studios full attention is focused on developing new games.

If you see the official website of Company B, you will find the latest games listed among the "radiation" and "Elder Scrolls", although we very much want to know what their next film, with 720 and PS4 the announcement, B clubs have reason for the new platform as soon as possible as soon as possible to create a game.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Invisibility usage

There are a lot of players do not know The Elder Scrolls Online Invisibility how to, in fact, the Five Dynasties Invisibility four generations of easy to use, it can be said that the general consensus of the old players.Because, even if you hide behind the the protagonist stood enemy may also be found, stealth mode only reduce the risk point, unless you sneak has reached the master.

There are even master Invisibility But in this generation is a distance after the enemy can not see your stuff, in fact, somewhat similar to the 100 stealth talent.In fact, the Invisibility is definitely not a waste timber skills, Invisibility BUG place lies and the master sneak the effect of co-ordinated, even during the day and night to the point where almost no difference (terrorist!)
Bus stand-alone game small sorted out means, we can refer to the following The Elder Scrolls 5 Invisibility usage:

If the players are not added to the silent magic, put Invisibility will be discovered by the enemy, so waiting for you to stay away put then in the past, if advance invisible or drink Invisibility Potion, the past laid down in stealth Whatever your stealth how low will not be found, but sneak brandished a knife and will be found, so you cut the enemy, only light cut too low, you hide behind the state of the Charge Also, if the enemy is moving, you hide behind when do not bump into him, then he will immediately found Invisibility with silent magic can guarantee walked over assassination, or some of the BOSS level you sneak not sneak around him, plus sneak Masters and shadow warrior, assassination after discharge stealth roll up and then squat they can not find you, no stealth, then roll far in fact the same.

Invisibility with still quite a force ah.