
Shaman 90 talent announced world boss out rare mounts

Orcs and humans will be updated after the update of the Dwarf model.

Panda can also get a dragon turtle mounts, and the appearance and not the same be obtained via phishing.

DOTA-style battlefield is cut off, in fact (Blizzard) still want to have something like that, but the technology is not mature.

Three talent not even think.

8 BUFF bit, UI interface will show you have a few (6/8).

New role in the self-definition of the interface is designed, there will be a list of visualization to show the effect of different roles customized and will be dynamic animation to show the role of the occupational what it was like in the real.

The pet operations is a wonderful thing, let you every day want to play a game.

Emerald forest of statues will be destroyed in the War of the Alliance and the Horde, which bring bad results to the entire continent.

Molten Front daily tasks will no longer spend so much time.

If the title becomes binding account, you can use on the level you need.

Mounts also immediately account bound, may be under patches mounting.

It is not certain whether the increase in the trade union level cap, but the unions experience cap will be removed.

Complete the green and over the difficulty of the task will get a large number of guild experience, making low-level players can also enhance the Association level.

World PVP may improve the incentives to Conquest Points cap.

Before Lich King came out, only about 1% of people experience the battle of the Sunwell.

Dungeons & Raids

The us (Blizzard) may make a new copy of a troll main content Panda Elijah mainland coast some trolls indigenous.

Began development WOW, we (Blizzard) very much hope to re-create a copy of the 15-person team. But now we have to adhere to a set of 10 and 25.

Raid career suits big dating to wear four months, major raid content update duration. Also means that about once every two months patch updates.

The Salmosa "anger" is Kunle mountain a wild BOSS, refresh few hours.

The Salmosa "fear" is fear Wasteland wild BOSS, it captures the Mantis Queen and wreaked havoc.

Each world BOSS drop a rare mounts.

Blizzard will adhere to the progress of the 10 - and 25 share to tell you that this is the king.

If a random raid system determines that you should get the equipment but the BOSS there your current Specialization applicable, you will receive a gold award.

You can buy a stamp camp at an NPC in Panda Man, this mark, then hit random raid will have the opportunity of a reward ROLL point ". This mark can also be used to purchase ordinary purple camp installed. In addition, the reward ROLL point mechanism in common / hero and random team a copy of the three difficulty.


